Woods and Waters Wild

Charles de Lint - Bill's Stuff

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Limited Edition - Bill's Copy
Limited Edition

Woods and Waters Wild is the third volume of Charles de Lint's Collected Early Stories. Subterranean Press will have more to say about it in the near future, but in the meantime, here's the table of contents, a list of obscurities that will be the envy of de Lint readers everywhere.

Table of Contents:

  • High Fantasy
  • "A Kingly Thing" (5900 words); first appeared in Beyond the Fields We Know #1; 1979
  • "Woods and Waters Wild" (2400 words); first appeared in SPWAO Showcase #1, 1981.
  • "The White Road" (8170 words); first appeared in Tales of the Witch World, edited by Andre Norton; Tor Books, 1987.
  • "The Graceless Child" (8650 words); first appeared in Halflings, Hobbits, Warrows & Wee Folk, edited by Baird Searles & Brian Thomsen; Warner, 1991
  • "The Fane of the Grey Rose" (14,700 words); first appeared in Swords Against Darkness IV, edited by Andrew J. Offutt; Zebra Books, 1979
  • Angharad
  • "Cold Blows the Wind" (4450 words); first appeared in Sword and Sorceress II, edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley; DAW Books, 1985
  • "The Weeping Oak" (5400 words); first appeared in Sword and Sorceress IV, edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley; DAW Books, 1987
  • "Into the Green" (5500 words); first appeared in Sword and Sorceress V, edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley; DAW Books, 1988
  • Dennet & Willie
  • "Dennet & the Fiddler" (8000 words); first appeared in Night Voyages #8; 1982
  • "Dragonwood" (5700 words); first appeared in Night Voyages 10; 1984
  • Pastiches
  • "A Tale of Tangle Who Has Many Names" (1200 words); first appeared in Valhalla #1; 1979
  • "Of the Temple in the City of the Burning Spires" (600 words); first appeared in Valhalla #1; 1979
  • "Nareth the Questioner" (800 words); first appeared in Valhalla #1; 1979
  • "Llew the Homeless" (1750 words); unpublished.
  • Thomas the Rhymer
  • "Thomas the Rhymer" (10,800 words); first appeared in The Mythic Circle #1, 1987
  • "Gipsy Davey" (8200 words); first appeared in Mythic Circle #5; 1988
  • "Cruel Sister" (7950 words); unpublished

Signed: fully cloth bound hardcover edition and SOLD OUT pre-publication.

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Publisher Subterranean Press