What Rough Beast

James A. Moore - Charles Rutledge

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Chapbook - Softcover

The setting: a saloon somewhere in the American Wild West. Outside, a blizzard rages in the night, and somewhere, out there, the stagecoach is late. Who steps forward to join the Deputy’s rescue posse? Jonathan Crowley, with a Smith & Wesson six-shooter strapped to his hip. And Kharrn, of course, with his axe. The rest is ... the story.

Limited to 150 signed and numbered chapbooks, printed on fine and rare papers, and housed in a hand-crafted envelope sleeve, this new “Penny Dreadful” tale will be an important addition to your library of discriminating collectable fiction ... and another unsettling tale of horrific adventure in the Crowley/Kharrn canon

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Publisher White Noise Press