Trapped In the Saturday Matinee

Joe Lansdale

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Edition Qty
Trade Edition
Limited Edition
Lettered Edition

Cover art: Alex McVey

This collection gathers together some early work, which I like, and it also contains stories that I think, for one reason or another, missed their audience. There is also newer material that I treasure, some that has never before been gathered under one roof, and there are others written specifically for this volume.

I love this collection. It’s a mixture of nostalgia and maturity, the reworking of others’ work and the discovery of my own voice.
I like to write introductions as a way of inviting you into my house of stories. But now I’ll leave you to it. Just wander from room to room, and take your time. While you’re here, make yourself at home. But please . . . try not to break the furniture on your way out.
—Joe R. Lansdale
From his Introduction


  • Introduction: Good Ju-Ju
  • The Junkyard
  • The Valley of The Swastika
  • Duck-Footed
  • Dog
  • It Washed Up
  • Way Down There
  • A Hard-On for Horror: Low Budget Excitement
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s Shadow and The Alumininium Chair Factory Collide: One Survivor, Weak in the Knees with Pen and Paper 
  • Once Upon A Time  
  • The Drunken Moon 
  • Christmas Monkey 
  • I Tell You It’s Love  
  • The White Rabbit 
  • Everybody Plays The Fool
  • Pentecostal Punk Rock
  • Jiving with Shadows and Dragons and Long Dark Trains
  • Dirt Devils
  • Trapped In The Saturday Matinee
  • The Devil’s Pants 
  • Family   
  • The Hunt: Before, And The Aftermath

Unsigned hardcover

Limited to 200 signed and numbered hardcover copies

Lettered It is our understanding that PS Publishing sold 26 lifetime subscriptions, as a perk of that subscription the purchaser would receive a copy of the signed state of a particular book but instead of a number in the limitation line, it would contain a letter, each subscriber was assigned a letter, in all other aspects the book is identical to the "Limited" copy.

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Publisher PS Publishing