Time & Chance

L. Sprague DeCamp

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Trade Edition w/signed photograph

For a period of sixty years GrandMaster of Science Fiction and Fantasy L. Sprague de Camp has published over 90 books, 62 of which were Fantasy and Science Fiction as well as innumerable articles and short stories. This long awaited autobiography chronicles in over 400 pages the long life and world travels of this much respected master of his craft. In addition to his own upbringing and travels, Sprague details his friendships and associations with virtually every genre author and editor active in the field since the 1930s.

In addition to the text, which includes a 20 page index and complete book bibliography, there is a 24 page Photo Album section with 64 photographs of Sprague, his wife and collaborator Catherine Crook de Camp, and many, many other authors.

Trade with signed photograph