This Is My Blood

David Niall Wilson

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Limited Edition

Cover Artist - Lisanne Lake

"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil." -- Luke 4:1-2

This simple passage from Luke -- repeated in slightly different variations in both Matthew and Mark -- provides the opening and groundwork for This Is My Blood. It's a simple sentence, yet full of boundless possibilities and interpretations. Especially when you consider the Gospels advocate only three temptations of Christ, and those very briefly. David Niall Wilson uses this appreciable leeway to reinvent the vampire; creating a truly fascinating retelling of prophecies and Biblical events, while ultimately reaffirming the foudations of Christianity.

Limited to 1,000 signed and numbered (also signed by cover artist Lisanne Lake) and SOLD OUT at the publisher

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Publisher Terminal Frights