The Tainted Isle

Dan Weatherer

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Trade Edition
Limited Edition - #13
Lettered Edition

Cover Art:  Carl Pugh

Victorian England: A contradictory time of industrial progression and superstitious doctrine.

After a brush with death, Solomon Whyte, driven by his fascination with the super-natural, tasks himself with investigating the origins of Britain’s darkest myths.

As he explores haunted locales, crosses paths with mythical beasts and discovers the resting place of King Arthur, what Solomon experiences will forever blur the lines between what is fact and what is fiction.

Mixing science with superstition, Solomon inadvertently paves the way for the future of paranormal investigation; his legacy will be that of Britain’s first paranormal investigator, discovering for himself the secrets of The Tainted Isle.


Award-winning author, Dan Weatherer, was first published by Haunted Magazine in 2013 and followed this with a collection of short stories titled The Soul That Screamed (Winner of the Pre-editors & Editors™ Readers’ Poll ‘Best Anthology 2013’). Further collections; Only the Good Burn Bright (2015, James Ward Kirk Fiction); Neverlight—shortlisted for the Arnold Bennett Literary Prize—(2016, Spectral Press) and Just Eventide—released in 2017, along with historical novella, Crippen, (Spectral Press).
His first non-fiction book titled What Dwells Within was released in 2015 detailing the life’s work of paranormal investigator Jayne Harris.

An accomplished playwright, Dan was a winner of the 2017 Soundwork UK play competition. The Dead Stage, a book detailing his experiences as a novice playwright, was published courtesy of Crystal Lake Publishing in 2018.

In 2015, Dan was shortlisted for the prestigious position of Staffordshire Poet Laureate 2016-2018 and in 2019, was nominated for a Local Heroes award (The Sentinel) for his continued promotion of literacy and mental health issues in Stoke-on- Trent.

Dan lives in Staffordshire with his wife Jenni and is a (proud) full-time dad to daughter Bethany, and son Nathan.

Unsigned hardcover

Limited to 100 signed and numbered copies

Lettered It is our understanding that PS Publishing sold 26 lifetime subscriptions, as a perk of that subscription the purchaser would receive a copy of the signed state of a particular book but instead of a number in the limitation line, it would contain a letter, each subscriber was assigned a letter, in all other aspects the book is identical to the signed, Slipcased or traycased copy.

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Publisher PS Publishing