The Reality Dysfunction - Neutronium Alchemist - The Naked God

Bill's Stuff - Peter Hamilton - ARC

Grouped product items
Edition Qty
Limited Edition - Stand Alone Neutronium Alchemist
Advance Reading Copy - Bill's Copy - Stand Alone The Naked God
Limited Edition - Stand Alone The Naked God
Lettered Edition - Stand Alone The Naked God
Advance Reading Copy - Bill's Copy - Set of Three
Limited Edition - Matching Numbered Set

The Reality Dysfunction

Subterranean is proud to present the signed limited edition of one a modern space opera classic. Signed copies of the first edition hardcover of The Reality Dysfunction sell for as much as $600 on the secondary market.

For humans, life in the twenty-seventh century has become secure and easy. The lightbarrier has been broken. Hundreds of worlds have been colonized. Genetic engineering has increased life-expectancy and banished disease. The Confederation Navy maintains the peace between humanity’s rich and diverse cultures. It is the greatest era in history.

All this is observed by a Ly-cilph, one of an ancient incorporial alien species who travel the galaxy gathering information. On Lalonde, a newly settled world, its interest in a criminal’s profane ritual murder becomes a little too involved. What was once regarded as myth is unwittingly set free, allowing the heart of every human nightmare to flourish and expand. Technology is powerless against it. There is no place it cannot reach. It is as merciless as it is relentless.

As the rest of the Confederation becomes aware of the horrific force which is destined to consume entire worlds, a name emerges from the chaos and terror engulfing Lalonde: The Reality Dysfunction.

Limited to 500 signed and numbered copies and sold out at the publisher   


The Neutronium Alchemist

Subterranean Press is proud to announce volume two of The Nights Dawn trilogy, one of modern space opera’s classic series.

Now the primeval evil has left Lalonde behind to spread its malign presence across the unsuspecting worlds of the Confederation. The possessed have acquired a chilling range of superhuman powers that can defeat most conventional weapons. Technology cannot defeat them. Fear multiplies like wildfire across the planets and asteroid settlements which make up the Human Confederation, the precursor to conquest and surrender. But even surrender fails to bring an end to the torment, for the possessed will not stop their campaign until their victory is absolute, with every living human taken.

Against this force the Confederation Navy is struggling to contain the threat, a battle it will ultimately lose. It seems as if individuals can make very little difference. Then out of history, Dr Alkad Mzu returns with the Neutronium Alchemist, the single most destructive weapon ever built. And she is determined to use it to avenge the death of her homeworld. It falls on Captain Joshua Calvert to try and stop her, but he’s not the only one hunting her down in an increasingly lethal universe. And not everyone thinks the doomsday device should be neutralized.

Limited to 500 signed numbered hardcover copies and sold out at the publisher


The Naked God

The mammoth, concluding volume of Peter F. Hamilton’s epic space opera, The Night’s Dawn trilogy.

With the Confederation starting to fall before the onslaught of the possessed, wealthier worlds are preparing to abandon their cousins to save themselves at any cost. Meanwhile the possessed are taking their newly captured planets out of this universe altogether so they can escape the beyond from which they’ve just escaped. But as they start to learn, their quest for deliverance is propelling them towards a fate much worse than the purgatory they’ve already suffered.

Amid the chaos of what must be the final days of humankind, the dark messiah Quinn Dexter has reached the fabulous arcology cities of Earth. Alone among the possessed his vision of the future is a terrifying version of Armageddon which will encompass all worlds no matter where they hide or who lives on them.

As all hope fades it is left to Joshua Calvert and Syrinx to make one last frantic flight into an unexplored section of the galaxy to find what the alien Tyrathca have called their Sleeping God. This enigmatic entity, if it exists, might just be able to offer salvation. But no one has seen it for 15,000 years, so that leaves the fate of everything dependant on one very unsaintly man…

Limited to 500 signed and numbered copies and sold out at the publisher

More Information
Publisher Subterranean Press