The Language of Dying

Sarah Pinborough

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Limited Edition

Introduction: Graham Joyce
Cover Artist: Mark Chadwick

Sarah Pinborough is the British author of five horror novels and her sixth, Feeding Ground, is due out from Leisure books in October 2009. Her short stories have appeared in several anthologies and she has also written aTorchwood novel Into the Silence for BBC Books (May 09). She is currently working on A Matter of Blood, the first of a supernatural thriller trilogy for Gollancz, which will be in all good UK book shops in 2010.

Sarah has twice been short-listed for the British Fantasy Award for Best Novel and when she's not writing she can normally be found laughing with friends and drinking wine, probably with a cat in her lap.

A woman sits beside her father's bedside as the night ticks away the final hours of his life. As she watches over her father, she relives the past week and the events that brought the family together . . . and she recalls all the weeks before that served to pull it apart.

There has never been anything normal about the lives raised in this house. It seems to her that sometimes her family is so colourful that the brightness hurts, and as they all join together in this time of impending loss she examines how they came to be the way they are and how it came to just be her, the drifter, that her father came home to die with.

But, the middle of five children, the woman has her own secrets . . . particularly the draw that pulled her back to the house when her own life looked set to crumble. And sitting through her lonely vigil, she remembers the thing she saw out in the fields all those years ago . . . the thing that they found her screaming for outside in the mud. As she peers through the familiar glass, she can't help but hope and wonder if it will come again.

Because it's one of those night, isn't it dad? A special terrible night. A full night. And that's always when it comes. If it comes at all. publication date: Mid 2009

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Publisher PS Publishing