The Innswich Horror

Edward Lee

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Limited Edition - PC
Limited Edition

In July 1939, antiquarian and H.P. Lovecraft aficionado, Foster Morley, takes a scenic bus tour through the wilds of northern Massachusetts. He wants to go where Lovecraft went, and to see what Lovecraft saw, to further distill his understanding of history's most influential horror fantasist.

When he happens upon the curious, secluded waterfront prefecture known as Innswich Point—not to be found on any map—he assumes the curiosity of the name is mere coincidence... but in less than twenty-four hours he'll learn that he couldn't be more mistaken.

Deeper and deeper, Morley delves into the queer town's dark mystique. Has his imagination run rampant, or are there far too many similarities between this furtive fishing village and the fictional town of Lovecraft's masterpiece, The Shadow Over Innsmouth? Could it be possible that Lovecraft himself actually visited this town before his death in 1937?

Before long, Morley realizes he's being stalked, but by the very man he's searching for: a denizen, panderer, and heroin addict who claims to know the town's most unspeakable secret. And what secret, too, lies behind the town's unnatural profusion of pregnant women?

Morley is stalked by things surely less than human, and as this "scenic" respite prolepses into a smorgasbord of deviance, perversity, and teeming, unmitigated evil, Morley at last comes face to face with the woman who bore Lovecraft's secret child and is then jettisoned headlong into subterranean chaos and a night of horror incarnate.

For beneath the rotting wharves and behind the tattering facades of the decrepit Innswich Point the worst secret of all has yet to be revealed...

Limited signed by the author, limited to just 652 copies, the number of collectors who qualified for a copy by joining the 2008 Cemetery Dance Book Club

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Publisher Cemetery Dance