The Glass House

Emma Coleman

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Limited Edition
Cover Artist: Enrique Meseguer
A series of single author collections by outstanding writers. The Polestar, or North Star, is defined as the brightest star in Ursa Minor; since every author chosen for this series is a star in their own right, Polestars provides the ideal banner under which to unite such exceptional works.
Completing the first trio of releases in their new series of single author collections, NewCon is delighted to present the first collection from author Emma Coleman
An avid haunter of libraries since her youth, Emma's fiction is steeped in local colour and rooted deep in her native Northamptonshire, imbuing these settings with shades and contours drawn from her love of nature, her passion for literature, and her own keen eye for detail. Her fiction is atmospheric, mesmeric, and frequently disturbing.
Contemporary tales of rural horror and dark fantasies steeped in folklore from one of genre fiction's best kept secrets.
Prepare to encounter:
A woman goes in search of an old-fashioned bookshop only to stumble on a way of making peace with her past, the loss of her mother…
Matilda sews furiously, knowing that only by completing the orphrey can she hope to save her uncle and cousins from the devil-cat which she alone can see… 
In search of a fresh start a young divorcee relocates to a quaint rural hamlet but is mystified by the hostility of her new neighbours…
The secrets buried within the barrow where the village of Litchford once stood are best left undisturbed, but siblings Alex and Fiona just can’t leave well enough alone…
After sleeping for many years, Jack-in-the-Hedge returns to find the land ravaged in the pursuit of human aesthetics and plots his revenge…
A collector of antiquities discovers an item in a junkshop that chills him to the marrow and puts him in fear of his life…
A theatre impresario uses his performances as a stage magician to dispense his own form of social justice…
All this, and much much more...
  • Introduction
  • Five Small Boys
  • He Who Saw The Abyss
  • The Glasshouse
  • A Daughter
  • The Babies of Springtime
  • Unearthed
  • Home
  • Opus Anglicanum
  • Lamassu
  • The Upright Man
  • The Magic Trick by Boz Boole
  • The Lighthouse
  • Untitled
Limited hardback signed by the author
More Information
Publisher NewCon Press