The Angry Dead

Mary Ann Allen

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Limited Edition

Richard Fawcett Publishing has issued a fine limited edition of Mary Ann Allen's The Angry Dead, featuring ghost detective Jane Bradshaw. This is the first world hardcover, & the only complete edition of Mary Ann Allen's tales. An earlier paper covered edition of some of these stories appeared from Dark Dreams Press many years ago, & is virtually never offered for sale, though it is included on most desperate wantlists of collectors of Jamesian ghost stories.

Mary Ann Allen is the nom de plume of Haunted Library founder & publisher Rosemary Pardoe, whose press was first to present neo-Jamesian ghost stories by most of the modern masters of the form, in her long-running magazine Ghosts & Scholars. Many of G&S's authors now have fine hardcover editions of their works from The Ghost Story Press, Ash-Tree Press, & Sarob Press. It can be said without the tiniest speck of hyperbole that Rosemary Pardoe is the true mother of the modern Jamesian revival, & the authors she cultivated already stand among the most collectible weird fictioneers living.

Her personal output of Jamesian ghost stories stands at the upper end of chilling excellence. This edition of the complete Jane Bradshaw investigations has been finely illustrated by Wendy Wees, & artfully designed by book designer Rhonda Jean Boothe. It is the third title issued by Richard Fawcett, Publisher, in a line of supernatural fiction edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson. It is limited to 350 copies.

Unsigned Limited of 350 copies