The Adventures of Samurai Cat

Mark E. Rogers

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Limited Edition - Set of 5 Books in Slipcase

Mark E. Rogers’s The Adventures of Samurai Cat is one of the genre’s classic send-ups, spoofing everything from H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Tolkien, Star Wars, Camelot, Valhalla, gangsters, Godzilla, and other classic tropes in an hilarious series of adventures of Miaowara Tomokato, the Samurai Ct, and his resoruceful nephew Shiro.

Created by award-winning author Mark E. Rogers and first published in 1984, the adventures started in Japan and ended up in Dante’s hell. Each book is masterfully illustrated in color and black & white, and there are numerous page spreads below showing the full range of his talent. 

This handsome set of five hardcovers includes The Adventures of Samurai Cat, More Adventures of Samurai Cat, Samurai Cat in the Real World, Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies, and Samurai Cat Goes to Hell. 

If you are in the mood for some wisecracking, hilarious adventure, this is a fabulous set of books. The edition is limited to just 100 copies. They are not signed, as the author passed away while the books were still in production.

  • New introduction by Katherin Rogers.
  • Five volumes in slipcase. Each book is numbered.
  • Full cloth binding.
  • Ribbon markers.

Actual shipping and insurance will be charged on this purchase, its heavy!

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Publisher Centipede Press