Tales From a Fragrant Harbour

Garry Kilworth

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Trade Edition
Limited Edition
Lettered Edition

Cover Artist: Vincent Chong

These short stories were all penned in and around Garry Kilworth's time in Hong Kong.

The collection is split half-and-half into general fiction stories and supernatural tales. They were all inspired by the people and places of that magical effervescent city, not forgetting its surrounding mountains and countryside, and the myriad islands that come within its sphere. There are tales from Chinese viewpoints and stories about the lives of ex-patriots.

If you read no other general fiction stories, then you must try 'Typhoon' with its fearless heroine the indomitable Elizabeth, or the imperturbable reptile catcher from 'The Snake-Man Cometh'. If your taste is not for the fantastic, you would be poorer in spirit for not experiencing the poignancy of 'The Hungry Ghosts' and 'Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop.'

If you have never been to Hong Kong, enter it page by page. If you have, retrace its familiar corners.

Limited to 500 unsigned jacketed hardcover copies

Traycased limited to 100 signed, numbered and traycased copies

Lettered It is our understanding that PS Publishing sold 26 lifetime subscriptions, as a perk of that subscription the purchaser would receive a copy of the signed state of a particular book but instead of a number in the limitation line, it would contain a letter, each subscriber was assigned a letter, in all other aspects the book is identical to the "Traycased Edition copy.

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Publisher PS Publishing