Secret of the Sangraal and Other Writings

Arthur Machen

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Limited Edition - 2nd Printing

With an Introduction by R.B. Russell

No matter what Machen's subject, and at whatever length he wrote, his insightful essays are always original, and his prose is a constant joy to read. This collection of his non-fiction ranges from reminiscences of his early years in London, though folklore and customs, to the legend of the Holy Grail. It collects together all of the essays from Dog and Duck (1924), Notes and Queries (1926), Tom O'Bedlam and His Song (1930), Bridles and Spurs (1951) and A Note on Poetry (1949) as well as a number of other fugitive pieces. It also includes the 'Bibliographical Notes' from Henry Danielson's Arthur Machen: A Bibliography (1923).

The Secret of the Sangraal & Other Writings contains:

  • The Secret of the Sangraal: Introduction and Essay.
  • The Stroller
  • When I Was Young in London
  • London Thirty Years Ago
  • The Joy Of London
  • Re-Discovery of London
  • Dog and Duck: Dog and Duck
  • Why New Year?
  • On Valentines and Other Things
  • On Simnel Cakes
  • 'April Fool!'
  • The Merry Month of May
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • July Sport: With Some Remarks on Young Mr Blueface
  • 'A Thorough Change'
  • Roast Goose: With a Dissertation on Apple Sauce and Sage and Onions
  • Where are the Fogs of Yesteryears?
  • Martinmass
  • Christmas Mumming
  • A Talk for Twelfth Night
  • Some February Stars
  • March and A Moral
  • St George and the Dragon
  • The Poor Victorians
  • Stuff-And Science
  • On Holidays
  • Six Dozen of Port
  • The Custom of the Manor
  • The Vice of Collecting
  • Splendour
  • How to Spend Christmas
  • Adelphi: Fareewell!
  • The Art of Unbelief
  • Note. Dr Johnson's Disappearing Act.
  • Notes and Queries: Guinevere and Lancelot
  • Shakespeare and Shakespere
  • A New Year Meditation
  • Casuistry
  • Superstition-or Instinct?
  • Imagination and Health
  • England and Revolution
  • Celtic Magic
  • The Holy Graal
  • Justice
  • Liberty-and Fallacy?
  • The Art of Divination
  • Our Absurd Education
  • The Cult of the Secret
  • Rouge et Noir-and the Unknown
  • The Moth and the Flame
  • Tom O'Bedlam and His Song
  • The Only Way
  • The Gray's Inn Coffee House
  • Bridles and Spurs: Bridles and Spurs
  • A Forgotten Book
  • The Strange Tale of Mount Nephin
  • Pictures on the Cards
  • The Ancient Speech
  • Mutterings in the Dark Grove
  • The Old Grammar School
  • Riddles and Symbols
  • The Holy Grail
  • The Bitter Impatience
  • Lost Books
  • True to Life
  • A Note on Poetry
  • Bibliographical Notes (from Danielson's Bibliography)

Second Edition: The Secret of the Sangraal & Other Writings will be a sewn hardback book of 375+vii pages with silk ribbon marker, head and tailbands, and d/w. Second edition and sold out at the publisher

More Information
Publisher Tartarus Press