Quill and Candle

Scott Thomas

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Limited Edition

Original Cover and Interior Artwork by Erin Wells

In "Quill and Candle" Scott Thomas invites the reader back to an earlier, quieter time, when travelers relied on horses, when cooking was done over a hearth, and frost nights were illuminated by tapers. It was, perhaps, a more haunted time...

Here you will find the corpse of a child which can foretell the future, and a stately Massachusetts house where the painting of a mourning gown haunts a bedchamber wall. Something terrible inhabits a wintry woodlot and something worse menaces a war-bound frigate. The seventeen stories within are steeped in autumn leaves, chilled in wintry wind and haunted by New England ghosts.

Scott Thomas is an atmosphere wizard summoning up a semblance of time past in his evocation of the weird. He rises from the eerie evolution of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Lafacadio Hearn, and H.P. Lovecraft, yet his poignant stories are astonishingly original.

Limited to 100 signed and numbered hardcover copies containing seventeen original stories

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Publisher Dark Regions Press