Cover Art: Walter McDougall (1858 - 1938)
This second collection of humorous vignettes from Paul Di Filippo—-centering on the various absurdities of the literary life (with an emphasis on the fantastical)—owes its allegiance to such masters of wit as S. J. Perelman, Thorne Smith, J. P. Donleavy, Kurt Vonnegut, P. J. O'Rourke, Hunter Thompson and John Sladek.
Whether Di Filippo is using his flensing knives on Neil Gaiman's plot for world domination; a reader's book group that embarks on a crime spree; miners who dig metaphors out of the earth; schlubby writers with supermodel girlfriends; or magazinethemed casinos, you can count on his satirical parables and fables, farces and mini-sagas to exhibit a freshness of vision with the maximum of outrageousness, providing laughter galore.
Inverting the workaday assumptions of writers, readers, editors and publishers alike, Di Filippo finds that the lofty pursuit of literature has not remained immune from the degrading trends of modern civilization, but instead become an exemplar of those very phenomena. Nonetheless, at the heart of each piece lies a shining affirmation that no matter how bizarre the business of putting words on paper becomes, dreamers and their dreams remain central to any life worth living—or worth mocking!
Unsigned hardcover
Limited to 100 signed and numbered copies
Lettered It is our understanding that PS Publishing sold 26 lifetime subscriptions, as a perk of that subscription the purchaser would receive a copy of the signed state of a particular book but instead of a number in the limitation line, it would contain a letter, each subscriber was assigned a letter, in all other aspects the book is identical to the "Limited" copy.