Impossible Stories 2

Zoran Zivkovic

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Trade Edition
Limited Edition

Cover Artist: Hawk Alfredson

"Compartments": On a strange train journey, in a series of six compartments, a traveller experiences unpredictable encounters, culminating in a meeting of epiphanic power. Through a narrative of dreamlike sharpness "Compartments" taps into the fears and absurdities, the beauties and mysteries of the unconscious mind, to achieve a consummation both moving and full of hope.

"Four Stories till the End": In what strange edifice of the imagination do you find a condemned cell, a hotel room and a hospital room? What kind of hotel offers a zinc mine, a meat-packing plant, a weapons factory and a cemetery of famous artists among its attractions? Why do four people commit suicide in the same bathroom and why does a literature professor cut up several of the greatest works of literature into a confetti of letters? In this wildly imaginative, wildly funny satire on Art and Death nothing is quite what it seems and the maze of symbols grows more complex with each encounter.

"Amarcord": Ten linked stories with resonant titles explore almost every conceivable aspect of human memory: the positive and the negative, the precious and the profane, the heavenly and the unbearably hellish. Živkovic's deceptively simple tales anatomise the essence of what makes human beings tick, our passions, our vanities and yearnings; the very memories which make us who we are.

Unsigned, unjacketed hardcover copy

Limited to 100 signed and numbered traycased copies