Gorel and the Pot Bellied God

Lavie Tidhar

Grouped product items
Trade Edition
Limited Edition
Lettered Edition

Cover art by Pedro Marques

Gorel of Goliris was born on a South Pacific island, gained his name in South Africa and came to life in a South East Asia that permeates Gorel and The Pot-Bellied God. He has no redeeming features.

His author Lavie Tidhar, meanwhile, would like to think he’s a nice guy. He would never do the sort of things Gorel does. Well . . . maybe if he could get away with them. When he’s not exploring dense jungles, fi nding ruined temples or climbing volcanoes, he writes books, including The Bookman, Camera Obscura and, for PS, the ground-breaking alternate-history novel, Osama.

Unsigned hardcover copy

Limited to 100 signed and numbered hardcover copies

Lettered It is our understanding that PS Publishing sold 26 lifetime subscriptions, as a perk of that subscription the purchaser would receive a copy of the signed state of a particular book but instead of a number in the limitation line, it would contain a letter, each subscriber was assigned a letter, in all other aspects the book is identical to the "Limited" copy.

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Publisher PS Publishing