Flesh is Fleeting...Art is Forever

Gary Braunbeck

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Chapbook – Softcover
Chapbook – Softcover - Signed

Published October 2008

Softcover Chapbook 14 pages 

Limited: 250 copies - we have signed (signed on title page) and unsigned copies, they are not numbered.


For Flesh Is Fleeting, Braunbeck adopts the voice of Wendell Shakelton-Baily III, a supremely fussy critic of The Arts. The entire story is presented as Bailey’s review of Symphony For A World Unmade, the latest symphonic masterpiece of composer/conductor Michael Russell. The performance is, Shakelton-Bailey assures us, much more than a mere concert; it is a multi-layered commentary on the post-Resurrection world. Its most powerful statement is the fact that the musicians performing it are, themselves, the undead.

In Shakelton-Bailey, Braunbeck perfectly captures and satirizes the snooty, self-important voice of the Critic, those who would place themselves in position to tell everyone else what is good and what is not. (What? Why are you looking at me that way?) And, while doing so, he writes a cracking good zombie yarn, one that ends in a way both expected and surprising.

Blu Gilliand October 2008 DarkScribe Magazine

More Information
Publisher Creeping Hemlock Press