Fingerprints On the Sky: The Authorized Harlan Ellison Bibliography

Harlan Ellison - ARC - Tim's Stuff

Grouped product items
Edition Qty
Advance Reading Copy - Tim's Stuff
Limited Edition - Tim's Copy #7
Limited Edition
Lettered Edition - Z - See description below
Lettered Edition - S
Lettered Edition - Tim's Copy - Founder's Copy

Harlan Ellison’s work has appeared in nearly every literary genre from horror to mystery to science fiction to fantasy across every popular medium.  His work has been translated into over twenty-six languages and is available all over the world.

"This compendium is not of my making: it is seventeen years of labor by Tim Richmond—standing high on the ladder of the most multi-talented people I have ever twined with. In company with his wife Andrea. He is an internationally-lauded string musician—at least ten different axes including 5-string bass, guitar and mandolin…we were once trapped between-floors at a giant convention (with the BritPak) for more than three hours, and all that time—nearly everyone in claustrophobic fear or panic—Tim sat cross-legged like the Ancient Ant of Atlantis, inscribing meticulously…page after page of this book. So, yes, it measures out all the work I’ve created in 80+ years…but this is Tim's (and Andrea’s) labors. I am merely the shadow Tim has worked so long and hard to personify. It is my hunch that if Posterity gives me a backwards-nod, it will be because this monumental tome exists." —Harlan Ellison®

About the Book:

During his sixty-five year career as a writer, Harlan Ellison has amassed a canon of work like no other.

Harlan Ellison’s work has appeared in nearly every literary genre from horror to mystery to science fiction to fantasy across every popular medium.  His work has been translated into over twenty-six languages and is available all over the world.

Over the last twenty years, it has been Tim Richmond’s endeavor to archive Harlan’s work and preserve the legacy of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

In an attempt to compile a complete collection of all of Harlan’s work, Richmond’s initial manuscript began with an extensive want list. It became clear that despite an earlier bibliography by Leslie Kay Swigart published in 1973, there was no up-to-date resource for the serious collector. After approaching Harlan with the notion that it was high time for a bibliography/comprehensive collector’s guide, Tim was given Harlan’s blessing with full access to his personal files.

The result is a unique oversize presentation which not only contains standard bibliographical information, but also specific points of reference, radio broadcasts, unpublished scripts, artists, annotations and other ephemera.  Fully illustrated with commentary from Tim Richmond, and a new, never before published foreword by Harlan Ellison.  Fingerprints is not only a reference guide but a one of a kind celebration of our greatest living author.

Edition Information:

  • The most complete bibliographic, collectors guide to the work of Harlan Ellison.
  • Fully illustrated with hundreds of color and black & white illustrations and photographs.
  • Done with the participation and approval of Harlan Ellison.
  • Includes a new foreword by Harlan Ellison.
  • Includes citations for short stories, novels, comics, periodicals, foreign language, audio visual and published/unpublished movies and teleplays.
  • Cover design by Harlan Ellison and Arnie Fenner.

Limited: 500 signed (by Harlan Ellison and Tim Richmond) clothbound copies

Lettered: 26 signed (by Harlan Ellison and Tim Richmond) leatherbound copies, housed in a custom traycase

Consignment (Tim's Stuff) - Lettered (As New): 

This is a unique one of a kind copy, it is not Lettered or marked PC, the book is bound as a lettered book and housed in a lettered  traycase BUT it is designated "Founder's Copy" on the limitation line. No other copy of this book is designated in this manner, this is your chance to own the rarest and most unique Lettered State of this book. 

Letter Z - this is a new book from the publisher but we did discover two minor scuffs on the traycase, one on the front of the traycase the other on the bottom as pictured.

This is a BIG book, shipping is more than normal!

More Information
Publisher Subterranean Press