Empire of the Goddess

Matthew Warner

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Limited Edition

Black Voltage #90

When Thomas Dylan’s young son disappears from their Virginia home, there’s no clue what happened until exactly one year later. That’s when robed men abduct Thomas at the point of an electric cattle prod.

They throw him onto a train, which takes him to a parallel version of Washington, DC. There, criminals hang from monuments. The robed men are from an imperial priesthood that abducts people from our world for sacrifice — and Thomas is next.

After barely escaping, he begins a journey to find his son. This means eluding authorities and navigating a society suffering from horrific diseases. When an Earthling dies here, his body releases energy that cures anyone standing nearby. This is how the priests have maintained their control — by raffling off sacrifices.

If an Earthling lives long enough, however, he’ll develop magical powers. Thomas eventually can cure disease, walk on water, and raise the dead. If anyone can stop the priests, it’s him. But this means deciding whether to find his son or save the world.

Limited to 52 signed and numbered copies

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Publisher Thunderstorm Books