Containment: The Death of Earth

Charlee Jacob

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The dead pass through the living like threshing machines.
The plagues are now at the top of the food chain.
The End Times.
The Death of Earth.

The Angel keeps him imprisoned inside the house so the Arch Angels won’t find him and kill him. For he is an abomination, he is Nephilim. Or so he’s told. He is forbidden to set foot outside. Beaten, mutilated  and lied to, he rebels and opens the door…

He is the very first survivor to make it out after the event known as Pacifica decimates the west coast. Who is he and why does he only have one eye and the bruises of the abused.

Adam Grigori, is a two-time Noble Peace Prize winner and expert on diseases.  He is always the first to enter the gruesome aftermath of world-wide devastation and to help cure the sick. And when the world’s active volcanoes begin erupting, Adam runs into the thick of it. He’s always avoided harm, as if he had an angel on his shoulder. But this time, in Italy, he runs head first into Hell. And what he brings back could mean the end of mankind.

The phantoms of each man, woman, and child who ever perished from disease; every pack, herd, and pride, every school, every flock and murder, once dead, now sought to unravel from the clay; and to embrace their living kind as an accursed kiss dissolved in a pestilent wind. The oceans and seas burned with the red tides. Flora rustled and were purged to nothing by swarms of locusts, ants, weevils, beetles, worms, and moths both living and dead—finally only dead.

Containment is a novel of world-wide devastation and the race to save mankind. Bram Stoker Award winner Charlee Jacob delivers a beautifully gruesome picture of an apocalyptic nightmare. A pure masterpiece of modern horror fiction.

Lettered: limited to 26 signed and lettered copies 

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Publisher Necro Publications