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Trade Edition
Limited Edition

Introduction: Allen Ashley
Cover Artist: Les Edwards

Did you grow up on a diet of catastrophe novels? Classics such as "War of the Worlds", "Death of Grass", "Day of the Triffids", "Greybeard", "The Purple Cloud" and so forth? Did you hone your teen angst through a diet of disaster stories?

This book won't exactly take you back to that Golden Age . . . because the purpose of "Catastrophia" is to revitalise this sub-genre of Science Fiction for the early twenty-first century. To bring a modern sensibility and craft to the business of ending the world as we know it. These days, there's plenty of catastrophe on screen - whether it be at the cinema or on TV - but we have somewhat let the subject slip in the literary world. No longer!

Award-winning editor Allen Ashley has collected 18 brilliant brand new stories from a mix of established and emerging authors that will take you way beyond Wyndham and well past Wells. Catastrophe stories are alive and kicking.

Buy this book, read this book . . . while we still have a world in which to do so!

  • Fade - David Gullen
  • A Hard Place - Carole Johnstone
  • Up - Andrew Hook
  • Stephen's Boat - Billie Bundschuh
  • Noose - Adam Roberts
  • Check - Robert Guffey
  • Something For Nothing - Joe Essid
  • The Phoney War - Nina Allan
  • Happy Ending - Simon Clark
  • Nanoamerica - David John Baker
  • Pixels on a Screen - Patrick Shuler
  • Scalped - Jet McDonald
  • Gravity Wave - Douglas Thompson
  • In The Face of Disaster - Ian Sales
  • Trouble With Telebrations - Tim Nickels
  • The Long Road to the Sea - James L. Sutter
  • Crashes Stuart Young
  • Hapless Humanity - Brian W. Aldiss

Unsigned jacketed hardcover copies

Limited to 100 signed (by all contributors), numbered and traycased copies

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Publisher PS Publishing