All Of Us Are Dying

George Clayton Johnson

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Limited Edition
Lettered Edition

Dustjacket art by Burt Shonberg.
Introduction and "Interview Interludes" by Christopher Conlon.
Afterword by Dennis Etchison.

My friends Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont, and Theodore Sturgeon all taught me by example -- as I watched them exercising different sets of mental muscles switching from one form to another as required by the story or the marketplace -- that if I hoped to earn a living and have writing as a career like theirs, I would need to learn to write effective film scripts as well as stories and articles.
This retrospective collection contains examples of all three types of writing, selected from the work of a lifetime.
-- George Clayton Johnson

George Clayton Johnson has written for the likes of The Twilight Zone (both television show and the movie), Star Trek, and co-wrote the novel Logan's Run. This mammoth retrospective collection includes more than a dozen classic stories; teleplays from TZ and The Law and Mr. Jones; television story treatments for an unproduced ST episode and a weekly series inspired by Frankenstein; a full-length unproduced fantasy screenplay; a movie treatment on the death of H.P. Lovecraft; and thousands upon thousands of words of original fiction written especially for this volume, including the autobiographical short novel, Every Other War.


  • "Voice From the Twilight Zone" (introduction) by Christopher Conlon
  • "Your Three Minutes Are Up"
  • "The Ring of Truth"
  • "Dealer's Choice"
  • "The Freeway"
  • "Devlin's Dream"
  • "The Man With the Hoe"
  • "Lullaby and Goodnight"
  • "The Cold at the End of the Pier"
  • "Drum Dancer"
  • "The Hornet"
  • "A Bicycle Like a Flame"
  • "All of Us Are Dying"
  • "A Note From Underground"
  • Interview Interlude: On Television Scripts
  • "Writing for the Tube"
  • The Twilight Zone: "Nothing in the Dark"
  • The Law and Mr. Jones: "The Boy Who Said No"
  • Interview Interlude: On Television Story Outlines
  • "TV Stories"
  • "The Creature's Blood" 
  • Kung Fu: "The Demon God"
  • The Twilight Zone: "A Penny For Your Thoughts"
  • Movie of the Week: "Man's World"
  • The Twilight Zone: "The Prime Mover"
  • "Sea Change"
  • Star Trek: "Rock-a-Bye Baby -- Or Die!"
  • "Lovecraft: a Movie Proposal"
  • Interview Interlude: On Screenwriting
  • "The Gulfs of Space"
  • "The Edge of the World!"
  • Interview Interlude: On New Stories
  • "The Monstering Kind"
  • "The God" (a novel fragment)
  • "Thorndyke"
  • "The Birth"
  • "Fat Essie"
  • "The New Law"
  • "The Man Who Was Slugger Malone"
  • "The Prevailing Westerlies"
  • "Clear Weather is Coming"
  • Every Other War, a short novel


Limited: 600 signed numbered copies and sold out at the publisher

Lettered: Limited to 26 signed, lettered and traycased copies.  Includes four page chapbook: The Love Song of Bertha Gingrich